Return Policy

How will I receive my refund?

The refund will be done online and will reflect directly in your bank account used during the online transaction.

How much time does it take for the refunded amount to reflect in my account?

In case of workshops and other classroom programs, Our team will verify the validity of your request after the event is completed and initiate the refund.
For online programs, our team will verify the validity of the request as soon as we receive the request and will initiate the refund.
If your request is valid, your refund will be initiated and the refund should reflect in your bank account within 4-7 working days refund request being placed.

How should I raise a request for my refund?

Click and fill the form to raise refund request-Refund Form

When can I raise the refund request?

Refund would be initiated only if the cancellation happens one day before the event. (e.g. If the event is starting on 20th June, cancellation should happen before 00:01 AM on 19th June).
For Online Courses, the refund requests will be allowed even when the course is in progress.

How will I receive the confirmation on refund details?

Once you initiate your refund request, our Event Manager will contact you for verification.
Upon successful verification, the refund will be initiated from the company and you will receive the complete details to your registered email-id immediately.

What is the refund policy for Online Course?

The refund can be claimed within 3 days of the kit reaching you. You will have to ship the kit back to us and the refund will be initiated once we receive the kit.

Will there be any deductions for the refunds?

The refund will be processed with zero deductions and you will receive the entire amount that you have paid.

Whom should I contact in case of any unresolved disputes?

We make sure that all the refunds are processed with 100% accuracy and in case you have any unresolved disputes please feel free to contact us at 6204696995. or with all your details.
We assure you that your issue will be resolved with utmost priority.

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